foto di Bersani che fuma
20091025 – ROMA – POL – PD: PRIMARIE; ALTA L’AFFLUENZA, NELLA NOTTE I RISULTATI. Il candidato alla segreteria del Partito Democratico, Pier Luigi Bersani, in una immagine del 15 aprile 2008.

(fonte: ansa)

Pier Luigi Bersani non ha mai rinnegato la sua fede nella tradizione politica della sinistra e oggi si candida alla guida del Pd proprio con l’obiettivo di dare una più marcata identità alle varie anime del riformismo italiano, senza mettere il socialismo in soffitta. Per leggere l’articolo, clicca qui: ansa

Note culturali

The article says that Bersani is “emiliano”. It means that he is from Emilia Romagna, a region in the center of Italy which has Bologna as capital. It is known as “rossa”, red region, because in the last years it has been governed by the Communist Party. It is also known for the excellent cuisine, and because people are usually very friendly.

The article mentions another man from Emilia, Vasco Rossi, a well known singer.

In the article you will see an unusual term, “lenzuolate”. It is a term created by Bersani to refer to his liberalizations when he seved as minister of Industry in the Prodi government. Bersani pushed for the liberalization of the trade sector, opening markets to large retailers and supermarkets.

PROTAGONISTI Pier Luigi Bersani

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